November 2, 2005

I’m inspired by many…

First, let me start by saying that this whole online store thing is all in good fun. I really don’t expect to make much money off of it but if you like a product and buy it, then adding a couple of dollars to the kids future bail bond scholarship fund wouldn’t hurt.

Since I’ve started fooling around with the graphic design software and created these fun little sayings to put on shirts, I’ve started to get inspiration from things I read, see, hear or remember. Below are a few examples…

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This one is pretty straight forward. I mean, if I’m documenting all the stuff we do to with them, they’ll have it all right here for their therapist.

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This one was inspired by my favorite daddy blogger, MetroDad. After reading about his troubles quitting smoking, I thought he might not be the only one out there with this problem.

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This one wasn’t really inspired by one person but let’s just say a lot of you mommy and daddy bloggers out there drink a lot (MIM, you know who you are) (Only kidding, of course :) )

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Finally, the twins Grandmother reminded me that I need some grandparent stuff on there. After all, they’re the ones with all the money. Who am I to argue?

Anyway, drop on by the store every once in a while if only to see the new stuff that’s up. If you have a request, let me know and I’ll be glad to make something up.

November 1, 2005

My entrapranurial entrepranurial I’m selling stuff

I have always been interested in cashing in on the twins creating things. And I’ve always been interested in t-shirts and the smart-ass things one can find on them. I’ve since found that you can extend that to baby items as well. So, I have decided to open up an on-line store that specializes in smart-ass shirts and onesies (and the occasional mug and bumper sticker) for adults, babies, twins and parents of twins. Please stop by and check it out. I’ll be sure to add more in the near future.

Below are my recent creations…

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