And Now a Word From The Cat
Pssssst. Pssssssst.
Is this thing on? I see the guy we refer to as “Dada” always typing stuff on this thing. It seems like he gets a lot of validation for sharing his thoughts with the world. I think he calls it a “blog.” At first I thought he said “Dog” and I did not want anything to do with this thing but after I cleared up that little misunderstanding, we’re all good.
Except for the reason I’m typing this out. (Which isn’t easy, this typing thing, considering I haven’t had my claws trimmed in a while.) Anyway, as I was saying, I needed to get this off my fur. It’s been eating at me over the last few days and I don’t know what to do about it. I guess I should just come out and tell you…
I’ve been replaced. THEY brought home an annoyingly cute little kitten on Saturday. The little girl, that everyone calls Swee’Pea, who has been chasing me since birth, was in heaven. I, on the other hand, was completely disgusted.
No one consulted me. No one asked ME how I’d feel with another cat in the house. No one thought that maybe, after 9 years by myself in this family, I’d be too old to welcome some little furball into our house. I mean, I’m FRICKIN’ NUTMEG THE CAT! YOU DON’T REPLACE NUTMEG THE CAT!
Well, I showed them. I’ve managed to hide for 2 days straight under the bed in what they call “Grandmother’s room.” I’ve also thrown up on the carpet and hissed at the little shit the first time they brought him into my presence.
They call this cat Socks. Like that cute name will make up for his other faults like his annoying little mew and his loud shrieks whenever he’s kept in another room against his will. Whatever, dude. Someday, you too will be old and they’ll drop kick you to the curb in favor of someone cuter and more annoying.
Anyway, that’s all I had to say. I’m all broken up. I’ve given all I had to this family for 9 years and that’s all I get in return. Stabbed in the back. Anyone looking for a nice cat? Forget what I said about the puking thing. I was just kidding. Heh-heh.
What the -! Someone’s coming! Gotta go! Peace out! Meow!!

Socks. The newest member of our family
Nutmeg the cat. Not amused at all.
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Yeah. That expression says Pissed. Off. Don’t worry, Nutmeg the cat, it gets easier. Just show Socks who wears the pants in the feline family and things will be just fine…
Comment by Maura — December 22, 2009 @ 1:31 am
Ohhhhhhh, that expression is so sad. That is like the perfect adoption ad photo, all pathetic looking. LOL Congrats on the new addition.
Comment by Kellee — December 22, 2009 @ 8:16 am
Dear “la gata”
I know what you mean. But wait, it can get worse! THEY’ll wait until you get sick, get rid of your stuff and ship you off to live with GRANDMOTHER.
She’ll send you off to eldercare in the daytime with the excuse that it’s good for you to be around other people (insert cats) while she is at work.
On the other hand, she doesn’t expect much in return and it’s a good thing cuz she’s not getting it.
As for Swee’pea would it kill you to snuggle with the girl once in a while? She’s only been trying for 4 years.
What the frack! Get over it already or Santa Cruz may be your next stop.
Love, Greatgrandmother
Comment by Grandmother — December 22, 2009 @ 9:18 am
Socks is cute and all, but Nutmeg is GORGEOUS. I’ve got 6 cats – 5 over the age of 8, and 1 is a kitten. He torments ALL OF THEM.
And yeah, the old ones all throw up in my shoes now.
Comment by Andrea's Sweet Life — December 22, 2009 @ 2:28 pm
aha! You are a crazy cat person! hahaha!
Comment by ali — December 22, 2009 @ 6:04 pm
Awwww, Nutmeg, you poor, sweet, innocent and forgotten cat. I would offer you a new home with kids to chase you, but 2/4 of us are allergic to your species. I say you stage a cat coup and teach the new cat that you use a litter box outside and lock it out. You are way too cute to take this with just barfing and hissing. Go get ‘em Nutmeg!
Seriously, congrats on the cat. Hopefully, Socks will survive the cat hazing period and be best buddies with Nutmeg.
Comment by Allyson/HBMomof2 — December 22, 2009 @ 8:49 pm
Just wait until Nutmeg leaves you little gifts all over the house!Around here, cat #1 decided the bathtub was the appropriate place to express his feelings when cat # 2 showed up.
Comment by jwg — December 23, 2009 @ 6:08 am
You have a new cat. Time to get rid of the old one. It’s the way of the world.
Don’t tell my boy, but as soon as the new baby comes, he’s out. Sucks being the older sibling.
And here’s the link to my (short) post about the blog. I left it on Twitter but now I’m going to leave it here too. I hope you like it.
Comment by OM — December 23, 2009 @ 9:33 pm
If you want to come north, Nutmeg, Tad has happily volunteered to take care of you. And by “take care of,” I mean “squeeze the stuffing out of.” And the boy is fast, so I believe there are even odds on him actually catching you.
Comment by Deanna — December 24, 2009 @ 9:12 am
Our first cat, Moe, didn’t like it when we brought in little cute Spunky Rooey at first either, but he got used to her and they actually became friends. She was great at getting Moe to be more active.
After Moe died (very sad, we still miss him greatly), Spunky seemed lonely so 5 months later we brought in a mancat that was just a year younger. They hit it off right away and like playing with each other now.
Give little socks a chance and she’ll become your best friend!
Comment by Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" — December 30, 2009 @ 3:40 am
Hey my cat has her own blog would you like to be a guest poster on her blog????
Comment by MARGRET — December 30, 2009 @ 9:14 am