July 10, 2009

The tale of two toothbrushes

When you have twins and watch two children grow up simultaneously it’s inevitable that comparisons will be made. Swee’Pea and TheMonk are no different. While both enjoy a good laugh and both enjoy a good poo poo joke, their differences are often what amaze me the most.

As they have transitioned from baby to toddler to pre-schooler, their interests have diverged in some pretty interesting ways. Swee’Pea for example is a total girl. She loves lipgloss, nail polish, pretty bows, pink dresses and worms. (Okay, maybe not TOTAL girl but she’s pretty far along the girls spectrum.)

TheMonk, on the other hand is all boy. He loves cars, trains, wrestling, playing in the dirt and dressing up Barbie. (What can I say? He likes to put a hot girls clothes ON rather than take them off. Pretty sure that might change in the future.)

Personality-wise they are almost night and day. I like to call TheMonk “The Mayor” because he will work a room faster than Bill Clinton at BlogHer. Swee’Pea, on the other hand, is Ms. Shy. She sits back and takes it all in and will only fully engage when she’s completely comfortable.

When they eat, Swee’Pea always uses a fork or spoon, held correctly, and has even taken to wiping her mouth with a napkin. TheMonk slops food towards his open mouth, many times missing the mark, and eschews silverware almost entirely. The dude has even been known to eat ice cream with his bare hands.

But the biggest difference is the way both look at the world. TheMonk is laid back, interested, asks lots of questions and wants to please others. Swee’Pea, on the other hand, seems to care very little about pleasing others. She is also less inquisitive, struggles for perfection (which can be a hard thing for a four year old) and is very, very, very stubborn.

In fact, if there is one image that I can show you that best captures the personality of both Swee’Pea and TheMonk simultaneously, I give you Exhibit A:

Tale of two toothbrushes

Even if you didn’t go by color, Swee’Pea’s toothbrush, on the left, would be easy to spot. The girl’s a grinder. She wants to get it right and will go to great lengths to make sure she does. TheMonk? Eh. He could care less.


  1. That is so funny, and really sweet. I love that Swee’Pea’s toothbrush is purple. :-)

    Comment by Maura/@moburns67 — July 10, 2009 @ 11:00 pm

  2. Awww, this is a sweet story…. Loved It!!!

    Comment by Liz — July 10, 2009 @ 11:01 pm

  3. Very telling! And Tad is with TheMonk in the eating department – real men eat ice cream with their hands. :)

    Comment by Deanna — July 10, 2009 @ 11:52 pm

  4. I love hearing about their personalities. And I love that Swee’Pea loves worms. So do I. It’s the only non-girly thing I love, but I think they’re cute.

    Comment by debra — July 11, 2009 @ 6:26 am

  5. that’s funny – I do the same thing as Swee’Pea to my toothbrush…

    Comment by MommaSunshine — July 13, 2009 @ 3:16 am

  6. Swee’Pea tells it like it is, especially to Grandmother, while TheMONK will turn on the tears to get what he wants from Granmother, and it works everytime.

    Comment by Grandmother — July 13, 2009 @ 9:52 am

  7. That is just plain adorable okay….and the fact you noticed this says alot about you. Thumbs up all the way :)

    Comment by Pamela — July 13, 2009 @ 8:16 pm

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