June 6, 2009

Entertainment (Semi) Weekly

Hey there! If you’re here after reading the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly and you took the time to actually look me up on the internet (I mean, seriously EW, I really appreciate the love but would adding the web address have killed you?!), then I say you have a lot of time on your hands.  Nonetheless, you’re here. So take a look around.  Some favorite posts of mine are right over there on the right so kick back and prepare to be dazzled by my “irreverent” humor. (I won’t lie to you. I had to look “irreverant” up in the dictionary. I’m not proud.)

Also, can you tell me if you would consider buying Katy Perry’s eye make-up that’s profiled on page 23?  And if you would, can you tell me at what strip club you are employed?

Oh, and since I’m first on the list and you might not have looked at the others, you can find them here (But take your time. They’re not going anywhere.):

Halcomb Hellions

McNulty Quads

Howell Quints


  1. Seriously, they do a feature on blogs and don’t print any of the URLs? Do they actually know what a blog IS?

    Congratulations, though, I guess. :)

    Comment by badassdadblog — June 6, 2009 @ 8:50 pm

  2. Yes I am here after reading about you in EW and did take the time to look you up. Not so hard with Google. I plan to stick around and read so it won’t matter to me if you are irreverent or irrelevant but I am easy that way. However I won’t be getting the Katy Perry make-up and in fact had skipped over that section because..well I am a mom and it just wouldn’t be right, strip club or not.

    Comment by Amy — June 6, 2009 @ 8:51 pm

  3. Really, how hard would it have been to print the blog addresses? I am impressed, however, that people are looking up the blog addresses. I got 706 hits just from Google alone. Pretty stinkin’ cool if you as me. :D

    Um, Katy Perry make-up. Great, is that what all the single girls are wearing now? THIS is what I have to resort to?! Things have apparently changed more than I realized!

    Comment by Tammie — June 6, 2009 @ 10:15 pm

  4. Wait? I am apparently SUPER slow tonight. Do you have the actual magazine?! It’s already out?! I thought it wasn’t coming out until next week? Is my grocery store holding back on me?

    Comment by Tammie — June 6, 2009 @ 10:17 pm

  5. This was too funny.
    I just finished reading my latest issue of EW and ripped out the column with these blogs listed. I took the time to google the blog name, but not before I looked up what ‘irreverent’ meant to, I’m not gonna lie.

    This should be fun.

    Comment by Katie — June 6, 2009 @ 10:56 pm

  6. Hey, for those of us that have been around awhile, does that mean that you’ll be posting more often now?! LOL!! Congratulations, I don’t have the latest copy of EW but I’m happy for you!

    Hugs & Blessings!

    Comment by MamáChanga — June 6, 2009 @ 11:42 pm

  7. Congratulations! Did you get a heads-up that you were going to be listed?

    Comment by Deanna — June 7, 2009 @ 2:25 pm

  8. Hey Man!

    Thanks for the comment! Congrats to you #1! I’ve just read over a few of your older post and am LOVING your sense of you humor. Keep up the great work, I’ll be back again and again.

    Btw, did you ever make it to UP this weekend!?

    Gen McNulty

    Comment by Gen — June 7, 2009 @ 8:57 pm

  9. I seriously think this is the coolest thing. I hope you spent plenty of time rubbing it in bjhenry’s face. ;)

    Comment by Kellee — June 8, 2009 @ 6:56 am

  10. I hope you remember the little people when you are all famous and stuff. ;)

    Comment by ali — June 8, 2009 @ 7:13 am

  11. That is sooooooo 1999. Where is the link?

    Oh and I get your John Hancock?

    Comment by DCUrbanDad — June 8, 2009 @ 8:26 am

  12. You were in EW? That’s pretty famously fucking awesome!

    Comment by Miss Grace — June 8, 2009 @ 7:37 pm

  13. You are SO cool! Can I have your autograph please????

    Comment by KP — June 12, 2009 @ 4:51 pm

  14. Time on my hands? Perhaps a little (isn’t that what Nintendo is for?). Too much, never. I had to rely on EW to find you! I’ve read a bit and let me just say I’m glad it was your kids and not mine that excavated the big bone.

    Very fun reading!

    Comment by Leslie — June 13, 2009 @ 5:55 am

  15. Yes, I found you through Entertainment Weekly! I don’t have time tonight to read much, but I am a new mom and I liked your Father’s Day entry. And no, I would never buy the Katy Perry makeup. Your website was the first one listed on google. Not hard to find.

    I love the idea of taking your kids pics everyday. I have started a FB album of my baby’s pic each month so that friends and family can see him grow his first few years. I take the picture in the same spot on the couch on his monthly “birthdays” and when you scroll through them quickly it is pretty cool to see the change. Not my idea- I stole it from a friend.

    Comment by Jecca — June 22, 2009 @ 8:00 pm

  16. I think anyone who knows what a “blog” is would read the magazine column and know what “google” is! I found you no prob. I respect EW and hence, I respect you, dude! You and your kiddos crack me up. I have 8-month old girl/boy twins and look forward to all the fun that’s ahead. Keep up the good work.

    Comment by Trenton — June 28, 2009 @ 10:31 am

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