December 4, 2008

I guess it beats “nothing.”

Before having kids, I remember people telling me what it’s like to have kids. They mentioned the no sleep thing. They mentioned the no privacy thing. They mentioned the losing their sanity thing. What they didn’t mention was the CONSTANT TALKING THING. I mean, MY GOD, once kids find the gift of gab, boy do they ever use it.

When the kids were two, and still in their beginning talking phases, they would point at things that I knew they knew and ask, “What’s that?” After a million times of telling the kids that the ball was indeed still a ball, I changed tactics.

“What’s that?” they’d ask, pointing to a car.

“A hippopotamus.” I’d reply.

“Nooooooooo…” they’d laugh, “It’s a car!”

And that became my automatic response for stupid questions. Hippopotamus. Because, really, it’s fun to say hippopotamus. Say it with me… Hip-po-pot-a-mus. See?!

But I digress.

This week I picked the twins up from daycare and as we were walking home I began to ask the kids about their day.

“What did you do today?” I asked.

“Brandon was there!” replied TheMonk. (This means their favorite friend in the world, who comes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to daycare was there and they played with him all day.)

“Well, what did you do with Brandon?” I asked.

“We played Legos.” replied Swee’Pea.

“You did?! What did you make?” I inquired.

“Tall towers.” said Swee’Pea

“And a hippopotamus.”


  1. Yeah, it’s awesome when the sense of humor really develops. But then come the jokes that make no sense you are required to laugh at anyway.

    Funny… the verification word your blog asked me to type in for this comment was “RHINOS”!

    Comment by Shama-Lama Mama — December 4, 2008 @ 9:06 am

  2. Now just teach them that the answer to the ultimate question is 42, and your job as a father might be complete. ;)

    Comment by Deanna — December 4, 2008 @ 9:31 am

  3. Awesome. :)

    And you’re right about the word hippopotamus. It’s a cool word.

    Comment by Kate — December 4, 2008 @ 9:37 am

  4. I’m now taking this story and hiding it in my brain until the day I lose my shit because I can’t handle even one more “What’s That Mommy?” I’m a year or so away but this nugget of gold will remain with me until then!

    Comment by LovingDanger — December 4, 2008 @ 9:56 am

  5. They are too cute.

    Oy the talking, I could have told you about the constant chatter. I told someone the other day that silence and the chatter are my favorite sounds in the world. But you need a bit of both in your life.

    Comment by Issa — December 4, 2008 @ 12:03 pm

  6. Peanut butter is my most common autoreply word. I have no reason why. I don’t even particularly like or dislike peanut butter. Sometimes I use Shmorgan-borgan instead. Every parent should have an autoreply word or two.

    Comment by Mike — December 4, 2008 @ 2:35 pm

  7. A lego hippo would be cool.

    Comment by DC Urban Dad — December 4, 2008 @ 2:41 pm

  8. And what does a hippopotamus say?

    Comment by Ed (zoesdad) — December 4, 2008 @ 9:27 pm

  9. Well, then…
    Here’s a good Christmas song for your kids:


    Comment by Julie — December 5, 2008 @ 12:38 pm

  10. Yes its true, At the age of 2 kids have more enthusiasm to learn more things.. At this stage they speak words..its really a fun. They get attracted to words which have some rhythm and fun.


    Comment by Parenting — December 5, 2008 @ 1:49 pm

  11. Ahh, and the student becomes the teacher :-)

    Comment by Aunt Bean — December 5, 2008 @ 5:19 pm

  12. Hi,

    I totally understand and completelt agree with you.

    I cant make my little one stop asking me questions or talk about her day at school or about her friends. She goes on and on and on ….

    But nevertheless, when she falls ill and stops talking so much, i immediately miss the gab very much.

    its so much fun to have kids around.

    thanks for the post. I really enjoyed reading it.

    Comment by Hand Me Downs — January 21, 2009 @ 2:36 am

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