June 29, 2008

Turns out the Circle of Life is all about Sesame Street

When I was a kid, I had my own record player, which for you kids out there, was a rectangular box with a round spinning “turn table,” on top of which you placed a vinyl disc and, in turn, placed an arm with a needle that is attached to the record player onto the vinyl which would then transmit sounds produced from the grooves in the vinyl through a set of speakers. Very high tech.

Anyway, my record player was “portable” in that it had a little suitcase exterior with a handle to take it anywhere me and my eight year old friends wanted to party. I don’t remember many albums that I had to play on that thing but I do remember having a Sesame Street album that got a lot of play for a while. Which of these Sesame Street albums I had was beyond my recollection but I think it must have been one made between 1971 and 1978. Maybe Grandmother knows.

Somewhere along the way, Bert and Ernie and their “friendship,” lost their appeal and I moved on to other musical interests that included brief infatuations with Country (John Denver!?), Hard Metal (AC/DC!), an ill-conceived gangster rap time period (2 Live Crew?!), and an entire decade of musical confusion (hello 1980′s).

I have settled into my late 30′s and have come to accept my musical tastes for what they are. That is, mostly mainstream. The musical snobs would deride my musical tastes the same way they do American Idol, but I’m too old to care. I am what I am. In days gone by, I’ve seen concerts that range from Phil Collins to Dave Matthews but it’s been a while since I’ve last seen a live musical act.

But yesterday, there was a hot ticket in town. I had planned ahead and bought tickets for the entire family months ago when the concert was first announced and I was excited as we headed town to the Sports Arena in anticipation of a large crowd. Soon enough we had made our ways indoors, negotiated the throngs of other rabid fans – some dressed in costume. Overall, it was a young crowd but there were some thirty-somethings there too and we exchanged knowing looks and smiles as we passed each other in the crowded halls leading to our seats.

But finally we found our way to our seats. Before long, the lights went dark and the show began. Suddenly, the stage was filled with some familiar faces and a familiar song rocked the arena…

Sunny Day… Sweepin’ the clouds away,

On my way to where the air is sweet.

Can you tell me how to get…

How to get to Sesame Street?!

That’s right, my friends, yesterday Swee’Pea, TheMonk, Mommy and Daddy all rocked Sesame Street Live. Big Bird, Elmo, Oscar the Grouch, Grover, and “best friends” Bert and Ernie along with a lot of their friends all danced, sang and generally rocked the toddler set. Three year olds all over the arena got down and danced and sang. Kids every where were boogieing in their seats or rushing the stage. A small mosh pit of toddlers even formed at the base of the stage only to be guided away by arena security. A good time was had by all.

It makes me want to dig out that vinyl record from decades ago but there’s just one problem.

Anyone have a record player?


  1. The things we do in the name of parenting!

    Comment by Ed (zoesdad) — June 29, 2008 @ 8:28 pm

  2. It was “Sing the Hit Songs of Sesame Street”. As I recall, Rubber Duckie was one of your favorites…and no I don’t have it. However, I think I do have an old Kiss album.

    Comment by Grandmother — June 29, 2008 @ 10:09 pm

  3. Too cute!! BTW, were there any terrified toddlers screaming and running AWAY from the gigantic Sesame Street characters?

    Comment by MamáChanga — June 29, 2008 @ 11:22 pm

  4. I had the same type of record player. Mine was white and I could bring it with me but mom confined me to the basement. I didn’t have childrens albums, I had a HUGE stack of 45′s my cousin gave me when she went to college, they were a mix of Motown and The Beatles. I played Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane ALL DAY LONG. This of course was followed by my own 45′s I got from Peaches Record Store..things like Peaches and Herb and Debbie Boone. What little girl didn’t sing You Light Up My Life. My record player didn’t play full albums very well, I had to use mom and dad’s large counsel system.. AM FM Stereo, Record Player and Reel to Reel (explain that to the kids)…There I got to listen to Shaun Cassidy, Kristi and Jimmy McNichol and Rush.. Mom and dad still have that piece of furniture, I have NO idea where my record player is but the 45′s and my albums are around somewhere in their basement.

    Comment by mp — June 30, 2008 @ 9:28 am

  5. My parents might still have our old record player…

    But on the up side, most of the old records are available on CD now. My personal favorite is “Sing the Alphabet.” It was such a big part of my childhood that I bought it for my brother and sister once they had kids as well.

    Comment by Deanna — June 30, 2008 @ 10:05 am

  6. It’s amazing how our tastes changed. We took the kids to the same show when it was here in Chicago. They loved it!!!

    Comment by Margaret — June 30, 2008 @ 10:15 am

  7. I do still own the very record player you’re describing. I hooked it up in the kid’s room and even play vintage Sesame Street. There is a LOT of LOUD white noise when a record stops playing, which puts the kids right to sleep! Best thing about that type of player! CD players are totally lacking in that regard!

    Comment by Lynnie — June 30, 2008 @ 3:19 pm

  8. 80′s music is horrible. Shoot the creator of MTV. I think my record player is still in my attic. Right next to my reel to reel. Wonder if the kids know what that is.

    Comment by above average joe — June 30, 2008 @ 3:36 pm

  9. Dude, my dad bought me the 8-track of Sesame Street songs that we played in the Chevy Laguna in my childhood.

    All the CDs out now have the classic versions on ‘em…I’ll admit it; I sing along.

    Comment by Cheryl — June 30, 2008 @ 3:58 pm

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