December 20, 2007

“Starbucks” to go

I start the day like I do almost every day. I make myself a cup of coffee at home and take it with me in a travel mug for the morning commute.

I usually make myself a poor man’s mocha with some instant coffee and cocoa powder. Sometimes I’ll add a little raspberry syrup. I’m a gourmet like that.

Today, I decide to make a poor man’s eggnog latte. I figure the eggnog will be sweet enough to counter the bitter coffee so I don’t taste it before heading out the door.

I drop the kids off at daycare before I have my first sip. It is bitter. Very bitter. It will be a long commute if I have to drink this bitter eggnog concoction.

There’s a Starbucks that I frequent often just down the street from where I live (Probably from where you live too. Perhaps we’re neighbors.) and I pull in to rectify this bad coffee morning.

I walk in, smile and nod at the barista who is cleaning a nearby table. I walk straight for the area where the milk, sugar and napkins are held. I grab two organic sugar packets from the caddy. I also grab a wooden stirrer and a napkin.

I, once again, nod at the barista and then I head out to the car to sweeten my homemade eggnog latte.


Is that wrong?


  1. Hmmm…not as long as you were smiling.

    Comment by Grandmother — December 20, 2007 @ 11:18 pm

  2. After all the money and time that you have spent there… a couple of sugar packets are probably owed to you. That being said, I wouldn’t make a habit of doing that every day, or they might really look at you funny. ;)

    Comment by Deanna — December 20, 2007 @ 11:37 pm

  3. Wow – I feel guilty just running in somewhere to use their bathroom. =)
    But I think Starbucks can cover the expense…do they have a drive up window? If so they might have thought you just drove through and needed some sugar.

    Comment by Cathy — December 21, 2007 @ 3:09 am

  4. With Starbucks over-inflated prices, you are owed. In fact,
    I believe they are in debt to you for about 11,241 more sugar packets. And while you are at it, can you pick me up
    a few of their nice long green straws? They are great for
    my poor man’s caramel frappacino’s!

    Comment by Aunt Raina — December 21, 2007 @ 12:09 pm

  5. At the very least, you gave the barista a story to tell over dinner…”You wouldn’t believe the nerve of this guy today…” My husband has been known to make his own lemonade from a [free] glass of water, sugar packets, and lemon juice packets when we go out to eat. Very classy indeed!

    Comment by Becky — December 21, 2007 @ 12:10 pm

  6. ha! i feel guilty doing that at a convenience store where i’ve been known to do that more than once! you’re nervy! i’m always kind of afraid that the sugar nazi will come racing out from behind the counter brandishing some sort of weapon! good for you!

    Comment by amy — December 21, 2007 @ 7:34 pm

  7. Way to go! Us little guys need to get back at Starbucks for charging ridiculous amounts for coffee.

    A very merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Comment by Darren — December 23, 2007 @ 4:01 pm

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