June 19, 2007

Oh… Maaa-aan!

This past week, when changing TheMonk’s or Swee’Pea’s diaper, almost every time we take off their diaper (whether it be #1 or #2), they will announce out loud, “Oh… Man!”

And the way they say it, especially TheMonk, in an exasperated, “MY GOD, LOOK AT WHAT EMINATED FROM YOUR BEHIND!” tone of voice is what makes it truly so very funny.

Of course we assumed that the twins were mimicking their daycare provider’s reaction whenever she changed their diaper. But when we asked her about it, she thought it had come from us!

Of course, now, I’m doing it all the time – just to hear them say “Oh, Maa-aaaan!” with their legs in the air as we exchange a clean pair of Huggies for a soiled one.

[UPDATED] My friend at Rattling The Kettle has correctly pointed out that my kids are watching too much Dora. We do not watch that here. Daycare provider… busted!


  1. Sadly, it’s Dora.

    Comment by Rattling the Kettle — June 19, 2007 @ 9:41 pm

  2. Hey, at least I know that my kid picked “oh, man” up from Veggie Tales!

    Comment by Deanna — June 19, 2007 @ 11:34 pm

  3. Snort! I was thinking the same thing (sadly, we watch some Dora). Totally Dora (well, really Swiper).

    Comment by Jen M. — June 20, 2007 @ 11:27 am

  4. We actually use the Dora “Oh Man!” as a replacement for “Oh, Damn!” which she heard daddy say. But, every time she says it, we can’t help but laugh because we know what’s she’s really saying…

    Comment by L.A. Daddy — June 20, 2007 @ 8:59 pm

  5. Yeah..We were a Dora Watcher…but Dora is gone now…gone with the days of over paid cable…but I do have to give the Disney Channel their props….
    My four year old daughter announced to me, after taking a sip of my drink, that she doesn’t drink soda anymore…Why I asked…and her response was, “it makes your skin dirty” Now do you know how long I’ve tried to get her to understand that Soda is not the best liquid under God’s yellow sun?????!!!
    I smiled and asked where she heard this from, and with an exasperated tone she said, DISNEY!!!

    Thanks Mickey!!

    Comment by Chinanow — June 21, 2007 @ 5:40 am

  6. We have a daily dose of Dora around here. In fact, we watch a DVRd episode as soon as they wake up each morning because as soon as B&B wake up, we hear “Dora” or “Go Diego Go” being shouted at us over the monitor. Then they get to watch another episode after they wake up from their nap. “Oh, Man” is an oft quoted phrase around here, too.

    Comment by Amy — June 21, 2007 @ 7:41 am

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