May 26, 2007

South Paw

If you’re a baseball fan, and then on top of that you happen to be a dad, and you just so happen to be the dad of a baby boy, you probably have thought about your son playing baseball.

And if you happen to be a dad who married a woman who happens to be left handed you might dream of a sweet left-handed swing that propels your boy to the major leagues.

And for the first two years of your son’s life you just might be watching for signs of one-handed dominance. Is he right handed or is he left handed? What hand is he eating with? What hand will he reach with?

And most importantly, what hand does he throw with?

Until today he wouldn’t throw overhand with either hand. Most of his throws were chest passes using both hands. But today… TODAY!… was different.

My boy threw with his left hand. And he threw strikes. Hard strikes.

Next stop… Cooperstown.


  1. It wasn’t too long ago that people would try and “correct” a kid when they used their left hand. I’m right-handed, but I can bat left, though a bit weaker. If my boys are righties too then I’m going to try and develop the left to hold it’s own.

    Comment by whit — May 26, 2007 @ 10:34 pm

  2. Brayden is showing a preference for his left hand, and my husband falls into the camp of “correcting” him. I firmly stand in letting him do what he wants to, and I WILL win this one.

    My dad is left-handed and coached a semi-pro baseball team back in his heyday. He has always wanted a left-handed grandson.

    Comment by Amy — May 28, 2007 @ 7:10 am

  3. Congratulations!! $$$$ Scholarships, endorsements, World Series rings!!

    No wait, you haven’t managed toilet training yet have you? You know “There’s no crying in baseball!!!” well, there are no diapers either.

    My hubby is left handed..left handed men are the best!

    Comment by mp — May 29, 2007 @ 10:33 am

  4. Congratulations! I always wanted to be a lefty. Not for any sport-y purposes, just ‘cuz it seemed cool.

    Oh, and? I’m a dork.

    Comment by samantha jo campen — June 3, 2007 @ 10:02 am

  5. So true. I’ve been watching Ronen for signs of hand-dominance; so far, he’s slightly favoring right. When he’s a little older, I’ll teach him to swing lefty first.

    Comment by Rattling the Kettle — June 4, 2007 @ 3:46 pm

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