February 13, 2007

A truck by any other name

Remember the “Good Old Days?”

In the “Good Old Days” things were much simpler. For example, you only had to choose between Coke and 7-Up. McDonalds and Taco Bell were the only fast food places worth considering. You were either a Nike guy or a Reebok guy. And, finally, there were cars and there were trucks.

It is this last one that has me up in arms today. I mean, I’m just a guy trying to teach his kids words without confusing them too much. For example, when it comes to objects with multiple possbile words used to describe them, I don’t want to get too complicated. I say “bucket” (not “pail”). I’ll say “jacket” (but not “coat”) or I’ll say “beer” (and not “Colt 45″). I try to simplify things so my kids understand what the heck it is I’m talking about.

That’s why I have no idea what to do about SUV’s.

One of our favorite past times in the morning is we sit at the front window and we watch vehicles pass on by. Our neighbors have a pickup truck so I’ll say, “Look at the red truck, Monk!” Other neighbors have nice looking BMW’s and I’ll point out the “Shiny car, Swee’Pea!” And it’s a special treat when a school bus or a motorcycle happen upon us.

But I have no idea what to say when, inevitably, an SUV passes by.

Is it a car? Is it a truck? Will I confuse my kids to the point that they’ll go their whole lives not quite sure what to call the boxy, big vehicles with large black tires? Will this prevent them from scoring a perfect score on the SAT? Will my New York Times obituary mention the unfortunate SUV gaffe back in ’07?

And does SUV really have to be my children’s first acronym?


Of all the worries I have about parenting, this is what keeps me awake at night.

Man, this parenting thing is hard.


  1. Since you have a daughter, her first acronym will be “ATM.” Just a heads-up.

    Actually, I think my kids’ first acronym was “TV,” but is that really considered an acronym anymore?

    Comment by Deanna — February 13, 2007 @ 5:40 pm

  2. Here’s my vote: It’s a truck. A horrible, horrible truck.

    Comment by Graham — February 13, 2007 @ 6:08 pm

  3. Our guy calls our SUV the car. We called it a truck once and he says, “That’s not a truck, silly. Muck (from Bob the builder) is a truck.”

    Sigh. I was feeling pretty butch there for a moment.

    Comment by Hygiene Dad — February 13, 2007 @ 7:33 pm

  4. I call my SUV a truck. It’s a truck chasis and resembles a truck more than a car. But everyone I know says “It’s not a truck!” so you can’t win either way.

    Comment by Kate — February 14, 2007 @ 6:23 am

  5. That is a tough one; Here is my vote… Call it a car. If it is an 18 wheeler, is a U-haul or other moving storage thingy, or has a bed, it is a truck. Whew, now my brain hurts.

    Comment by Melissa — February 14, 2007 @ 8:01 am

  6. nobody said it would be easy

    but it’s worth it!

    Comment by whit — February 15, 2007 @ 11:04 am

  7. We went with car. I still call it the car even though Clare could figure out SUV.

    As for the first acronym, give it some time…they’re sure to figure out CD or DVD soon.

    Comment by Clare's Dad — February 15, 2007 @ 2:24 pm

  8. I just thought of this because we were there tonight. Shouldn’t your kids’ first acronym be YMCA?

    Comment by Clare's Dad — February 16, 2007 @ 7:10 pm

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