November 16, 2006

Milestone update

TheMonk and Swee’Pea continue to achieve milestones left and right. Here are just a few of the new things that have come up in the past month or so.


Words: His newest word is “Uh-Oh.” (You get one guess where he learned that one.) He’s also made some valiant attempts at Hi and Bye. This week, I swear he said “See you later” when I said the same to him. That might be a bit of a reach though. And while he’s still kinda quiet, he has begun to use sign language more and more. The signs he uses are: More; I want; Milk; Eat; Bath; Bye-Bye/Hi’; Hat; Phone and Music.

Locomotion: He knows how to walk. He’s getting better at it every day and it won’t be long before he catches up with Swee’Pea. He has so much more confidence and he exhibits no fear when walking (although a little fear wouldn’t hurt). He also figured out how to go down the stairs (on his belly, feet first) after a few lessons from Mommy and Daddy. He has also begun to dance. He sways his little hips and shuffles his little feet.

8 teeth all together (including one molar). He has four front teeth and one molar on top and three bottom front teeth.

Others: Claps; points; draws with crayons; rolls a ball and catches a rolled ball. And today he started kicking the ball around the room. He’s also cute as hell.

Words: Where do I start? For all the words the girl says, it’s no wonder TheMonk hasn’t been talking that much. He can’t get a word in edgewise! Some recent words: Shoes (Shooosh); Juice (Jooosh); Puffs (so good, she says it twice – “Puff-Puff”). As for sign language she continues to learn more. New signs include: Water; Ball; I want; Belly (she points to her belly – sometimes pulling up her shirt to show you); Brush Teeth; Eat; Milk; More; and Play.

Locomotion: She is walking more and more. She’ll drop down to a crawl when she has to, but she totters around like a pro. In fact, she’s gotten so good she’s actually close to running. And with her gene-pool, we’re not likely to be able to keep up soon.

Teeth: 12 teeth all together (including 4 molars). 6 on top. 6 on the bottom. Very symmetrical.

Other: The biggest thing I’ve noticed is her ability to pretend-play. She pretends to feed her Mommy and Daddy and gets great pleasure from this. She’ll also pretend to drink from a play cup.

Can we please just take a breather on the milestones? I’m not sure I can keep up!


  1. I was just checking Tad’s mouth yesterday and discovered that he’d cut yet ANOTHER tooth! That makes 3 in the last week! His last molar, and two canines, which makes for 14 teeth. Yikes!

    And like TheMonk, his latest word is “uh-oh”. I wonder why? Hmmm…

    Comment by Deanna — November 17, 2006 @ 3:07 am

  2. Ahhhhh, they’re getting so big. It’s neat to see the differences in the two of them.

    Comment by Melissa — November 17, 2006 @ 1:49 pm

  3. Holy crap, that girl has some teeth! I love how you snuck ‘cute as hell’ in on the milestones.

    Comment by Amy — November 17, 2006 @ 5:37 pm

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