November 27, 2006


Since the beginning we always sensed that Swee’Pea has a special talent for fashion. For example, Andrea documented early on Swee’Pea’s penchant for trying on various bracelets. This early talent for accessorizing may be a sign of a real future in the fashion industry.

But that’s not all. We’ve begun to notice even further evidence of her burgeoning fashion infatuation… One that could lead to a future of fashion shows, catwalks, and designer dresses – or bankrupt with maxed out credit cards and $500 pairs of shoes in her closet.

Speaking of shoes, one troubling sign is her early obsession with shoes. Keep in mind that she’s only been wearing shoes for about 4 months. It was, however, one of her first words (behind Kitty, of course) and almost every morning, when I pull her out of her crib, she points to the basket of baby shoes (many that she never got to wear) in her closet and requests, “Shoosh?” She will often throw a small tantrum if she doesn’t get to go over and touch her precious shoes.

Then there is her recent ability to put on any shirt, sweater, paper bag, etc. by dumping it on her head and walking around as if on a fashion runway. If it looks like it can be worn, she’ll make it work. She has vision beyond my puny sartorial taste. She sees fashion where most of us see garbage.

Finally, there is her seemingly inate ability to figure out all items of dress without ever seeing them work. She knows a belt goes around her waist. She knows a tie goes around her neck (and she certainly didn’t learn that from me). She knows underwear goes on your head (okay, she might have learned that from me).

Anyway, I’m loving my little fashion bug. In a few years, who knows, maybe she’ll get an internship with MetroDad and we’ll see her clothing line in Wal-Mart.

Proof of Swee’Pea’s fashion sense…


  1. So long as she’s modeling it, it’ll sell. She’s adorable no matter what she’s wearing!

    Comment by Deanna — November 28, 2006 @ 1:42 am

  2. Dude…could Swee’Pea be any damn cuter? I just want to eat her up! Anyway…our little Peanut is quite the fashionista too. I was just writing a post about it also. Too funny. Love the photo of Swee’Pea wearing the tie. So Annie Hall.

    Comment by MetroDad — November 28, 2006 @ 7:58 am

  3. The apple doesn’t fall from the tree. As I recall, her father was a bit of clothes horse.

    Comment by Grandmother — November 28, 2006 @ 6:28 pm

  4. Sooo, sooo sweet. Definitely a trend-setter.

    Comment by Amy — November 29, 2006 @ 6:52 pm

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