September 27, 2006

Random things I’ve learned since becoming a father

It’s impossible to look cool in a 1994 Nissan Altima with sun shades on the back windows.

Triple Paste Diaper Rash Ointment is damn expensive. But it works.

Babies don’t listen to reason.

Don’t whip out a sippy cup unless you plan on actually giving it to the kids.

Apparently, Honey Nut Cheerios don’t dissolve as easily in the mouth as regular Cheerios.

No matter how much milk you buy, it never lasts ’til the weekend.

Kitties don’t like loud, shrieking, mobile little girls.

Babies go straight for the danger areas – and they smile while doing it.

Having twins does not slow down the gray hairs.

It’s pretty much impossible to go grocery shopping with two not-yet-walking babies.

There’s never a good time for babies to get sick.

Love is not a big enough word to describe how I feel about my children.


  1. Re: grocery shopping… the Costcos around here have invested in dual-seated carts. It’s great – I can put both kids in it side-by-side and go. Doesn’t anyone have the shopping carts that have cars attached where you live? The kids sit in the front, belted in, and “drive” while you shop. The Munchkin and Tad love it. I bet your two would love it as well. Yeah, it looks very uncool and it handles like a Buick with training wheels, but it keeps the kids happy.

    Comment by Deanna — September 28, 2006 @ 12:50 am

  2. I can’t say groceey shopping is “easy” now, but it is about a bazillion times easier than it was when they couldn’t walk.

    If you don’t have a store that has one of the double steering wheel cabs in the front, I can now plop one in the back if I bribe them with a lollipop.

    Comment by Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah — September 28, 2006 @ 6:09 am

  3. I’m expecting twins to increase the gray hairs. In fact, I’m finding new ones daily.

    Comment by Big Daddy Rob — September 28, 2006 @ 8:06 am

  4. You know, Safeway delivers.

    Comment by Grandmother — September 28, 2006 @ 9:26 am

  5. I am still amazed almost 5 years later how much milk two little people can go through. Where do they put it is what I wonder.

    Comment by Melissa — September 28, 2006 @ 10:28 am

  6. If you think it’s tough shopping with kids BEFORE they can walk, just wait ’til you take them AFTER they can walk. Yikes!

    Comment by Luckydad — October 1, 2006 @ 8:00 pm

  7. Triple Paste is worth it’s weight in gold…..

    Comment by MrsBigDubya — October 2, 2006 @ 7:48 am

  8. “Love is not a big enough word to describe how I feel about my children.”

    I think this is the best line of them all. I only have one 6 month old at home, and this really hits home for me.

    Comment by gfox — October 5, 2006 @ 2:43 pm

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