November 25, 2005

RIP Mr. Miyagi

Actor Pat Morita died yesterday at the age of 73. Best known for his role as Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid films, I first remember him as Arnold in the sitcom Happy Days. Whether he was a teen-loving owner of a restaurant or a sage old man teaching a fatherless young man how to defend himself, he always struck me as someone who I would want to know. I did not know him but I am saddened by his passing anyway.

To this day, whenever I pretend to know Karate, I always shout out “Wax on, wax off!” as I defend imaginary blows from a ferocious attacker (Yeah, I need to get a life).

Thanks for the memories.

Rest in peace, Mr. Miyagi.


  1. You mean Academy Award Nominee Pat Morita. He always seemed sort of timeless, like Yoda. I’m with you…sad to see him go…

    Comment by CroutonBoy — November 28, 2005 @ 7:27 am

  2. I will always remember to “paint the fence”.

    Comment by The Parental Olympian — November 28, 2005 @ 7:36 am

  3. Goodnight, sweet prince. You will be missed.

    Comment by Dutch — November 28, 2005 @ 1:07 pm

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