November 2, 2005

Not Quite the Major Leagues… Yet.

When professional athletes are asked the difference between the minor leagues and the major leagues, they often refer to the speed of the game. Everything moves much faster than what they are used to and they either have to adjust to that new speed or they will fail. In fact, when a player makes huge strides between one season and the next and has “a breakout year” they often mention how everything “slowed down” for them. They are no longer thinking, they just react.

Yesterday, things started to slow down for me. Am I up to major league level yet? Not quite. I forgot about making dinner until it was too late (Hello Panda Express!) and we planned to take a walk that never happened. Nevertheless, naps were taken (and at the same time, I might add), feedings were given, diapers were changed, and I didn’t feel totally rushed like I did on Monday.

So, let’s just say I’m a number one draft pick with potential. I’d even go so far as to say I’ve earned a promotion to Double A. In fact, if I can just get in a walk, I’ll be hitting a home run.


  1. I have to admit that I am impressed, major league or not, with any man, woman for that matter, who takes on SAHParenting.

    Made of braver stuff than me…

    Comment by tpon — November 2, 2005 @ 4:14 pm

  2. Just give it a week and you’ll truly feel like a pro. Each time my husband travels for business, I panic the first day. By the end of the week, I’m feeling pretty smug…

    Comment by Amy — November 2, 2005 @ 7:04 pm

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