July 19, 2005

A rose by any other name…

A list of nicknames that have been uttered for the babies in their first five weeks… (By no means a complete list)


  1. Bri
  2. Baby Bri
  3. Swee’ Pea (of course)
  4. Peanut (with apologies to Metrodad)
  5. Baby Girl
  6. Sweetie Pie
  7. Cutie
  8. TheMonk (hey, it was four in the morning, and I’m tired, man!)
  9. Snuggle Bunny
  10. Beautiful
  11. Stinky


  1. Big Guy
  2. Grumble Cookie
  3. Grumble Monkey
  4. The Grumbler (Do you get the picture? He grumbles – a lot.)
  5. Buddy
  6. Little Man
  7. Handsome
  8. Cuddle Monkey
  9. TheMonk
  10. Swee’Pea (see #8 under Swee’Pea)
  11. Mama’s Boy
  12. Cry Baby
  13. Thomas (Don’t ask – it’s a long story)

Stay tuned, I’m sure there are more.

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