January 20, 2006

An Ode To A Bouncy Seat

To some you’re just a chair
but to me there is no doubt
You are the single baby item
that we couldn’t do without

You sit there in the corner
Ever ready when there’s a need
You even lend a hand
When it comes time to feed

The gentle way you bounce
helps put the babes to sleep
But the humming that you make
Makes that sleep become so deep

You’re so tough under pressure
you’ve weathered every puke, poop and pee
I wish that we could use you
from now to eternity

But, alas, one day you’ll be too small
As the babies continue to grow
Just know I will always be your fan
Long after we let you go

January 19, 2006

Growing Pains

Dear JT and Bri,

How did you get to be seven months? It seems like just yesterday (one long, sleep deprived, yesterday) that I was holding your tiny bodies in my arms and nothing else existed but you and me.

Today, however, there are constant reminders that you’re growing up. Too fast, my little ones. Slow down. What’s your hurry? But you don’t listen. You insist on learning new tricks right before our eyes.

Bri, you rolled over backwards and forwards this evening like an old pro. You’ve been reluctant to do this of late but now it seems like you’re finally ready. It’s also apparent that you’re getting ready to start moving around. While on your belly, your head up and arms fully extended in front of you, you lunged for Nutmeg the cat as she walked by. Pretty soon, Nutmeg is going to have to be just a little bit quicker than she is right now. Our little cat lover is going to start chasing kitty all over the house.

Bri, you are also learning how to give kisses. You don’t quite grasp the concept of a pucker so instead you plant a big, sloppy, open mouth kiss on my cheek. When you pull away and I give you praise for giving your daddy a kiss, you have a look of pride on your face as you smile at me. *Sigh* That smile melts my heart.

JT, tonight while feeding you your bottle, you grabbed it firmly with both hands and fed yourself the remaining half. You even knew to tip the bottle back further, the way a guy in a bar polishes off the last of his beer before heading home. You sat on my lap, holding onto your bottle while gazing up at me. In the blink of an eye I saw you growing up - not needing your Daddy to feed you or hold you or give you kisses. It hasn’t even happened yet and I miss it already.

And yet, each new day brings something so uplifting that it leaves me craving more. Last night, JT, while in your mother’s arms, you looked at me, arched your body away from your mother towards me and said, “Da Da”. Your mother and I looked at each other, not sure if you really knew you were referring to me or not. Of course, I’m inclined to think so.

Bri, your Mommy said she heard you say “Da Da” yesterday while feeding you. I have yet to hear this but I can’t wait ’til I do. I suspect since JT says it all the time you’ll be doing so soon anyway. Just this once, you can hurry up.

In the food department, you tried carrots the last few nights. You both really like them. And since Bri’s poop is a toxic orange color I’m eager to try something a little less colorful. Pears, it seems, are next on the list. You both seem so eager to try new things. It’s an exciting time and I’m loving every minute of it.

You’re almost over your latest colds. The bronchiolitis returned and we are still giving you nebulizer treatments with the mask. I’m amazed at how docile you are during these treatments. It’s almost like you’re getting a facial at the local spa as you both often times close your eyes and rest. All you need is little cucumbers for your eyes. Of course, we can’t do that because JT would end up eating them.

Well, it’s late and I have to get to bed since I’m sure one of you will awaken sometime during the night. It seems every time we get close to getting you both to sleep through the night, you get sick and then wake up congested. I’m hopeful we can make some positive steps towards sleeping through the night this weekend. Of course, soon you’ll be teething so I may not get my much-sought-after full nights sleep.

But for now, I am here for you. Sleep tight my little ones and have sweet dreams.

I love you.


January 17, 2006

Chef Baby-Ar-Dee

Now that we’re starting solids we have decided that while the pre-made baby food is just fine, it would be fun (and less expensive) if we made our own. So, I have been slaving away in the kitchen the past few nights perfecting my recipes, knowing I have to appeal to the most discriminating of palates - JT and Bri’s.

I am proud to say that my hard work has paid off. I have created some absolute masterpieces (if I do say so myself). I am also keenly aware that some of you out there may not be as skillful in the kitchen as I am. Nor would you have the time or energy to concoct the perfect recipes based on trial and error. So, my friends, fear not. I am only too glad to share with you these recipes. It gives me great pleasure to know that these recipes will be passed down to future generations and provide nourishment for children for years to come. So, without further ado, here are my recipes. You might want to get a pen and paper or get your printer ready.

1) Take very ripe bananas
2) Put in blender
3) Puree


1) Slice peaches and throw away the pit.
2) Steam peaches
3) Put in blender
4) Puree

1) Slice pears and throw away the core
2) Steam pears
3) Put in blender
4) Puree

1) Slice squash after throwing out seeds
2) Steam squash
3) Remove outer rind
4) Put the rest in blender
5) Puree

Pour each puree into ice cube trays and freeze overnight. Put them in ziploc freezer bags and label and date them. This is crucial as it all looks pretty similar when they pop out of the trays.

I know what you’re thinking. You are in awe of my culinary skills. Don’t be intimidated by my vast knowledge of baby food. Instead, take advantage of all that I am passing along. In fact, feel free to spread these recipes far and wide. This is my gift to the human race.

You’re welcome.

January 16, 2006

Our jagged little pill

There once was a baby named Bri
Who was as sweet as a girl could be
Then one day her rage
Took center stage
And her poor parents had nowhere to flee

[To see what that rage looks like, go here.]

January 15, 2006

I Have a Dream

Today is a holiday, here in California, that honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Last year I wrote a post on the significance of this day as I was preparing to enter parenthood for the first time. I won’t duplicate what I wrote last year, but I will say that I think about the opportunities my children have, as mixed-race children, that those that came before them did not have. I am thankful we have come so far as a nation. I am grateful for people like Dr. King and Cesar Chavez (who we will honor later this year) that fought so hard for the rights of those who came before me and came before my children.

However, I am also cognizant of the fact that we have so far to go. I recognize barriers are still being broken almost four decades after Dr. King was murdered. Just this year, Columbia University - my alma mater, hired a football coach. This is nothing new considering the futility of the Columbia football team over the years, however the significance of this hire was that this new football coach happens to be black. On December 12, 2005 Columbia hired Norries Wilson, the first African-American head football coach in the seventy year history of the Ivy League. I am proud that an institution that I hold near and dear did what was right - and was a long time in coming. But my hope is that one day, JT and Bri can grow up in a society that no longer celebrates “firsts” of any cultural or ethnic group joining the “mainstream”. Instead, wouldn’t it be great that the routine hiring of a football coach was just that - routine.

So, as we move forward, I think it’s important to remember the message Dr. King delivered on August 28, 1963. Dr. King had a dream “that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”‘

Please take a moment out of your day to consider our great nation and how much has changed since Dr. King uttered these words. But also take a moment to reflect on how much further we have to go.

You can read the entire “I Have a Dream” speech here.

Blog Housekeeping

My blogroll was getting rather cumbersome. So, I’ve put my blogroll on separate pages on the right. I’ve got Daddy Blogs, Mommy Blogs, and Twin Blogs - check them out at your leisure.

However, I didn’t want to totally do away with a blogroll on my front page - so I have created a “Blogs of the Month” category. I haven’t really thought this out too far into the future but I figure I’ll put a handful of blogs up there each month that I’ve enjoyed reading that month. To start this feature off I have included all the bloggers that “De-Lurked” here this week at Childsplayx2. Since they were so kind to leave a comment, it was the least I could do.

Happy Blogging!

January 13, 2006

What About BoB?

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I’m a very competitive person. I once dove for the finish line in a 200 meter race and broke (and dislocated) my wrist (I won the race though). Two weeks later I was competing in a full arm cast. I wasn’t about to let a little broken bone keep me from competing.

Well, here in blog land there isn’t much competing. We all visit those sites in our blogosphere neighborhood, leave a nice comment or two, and move on. I was perfectly happy to be doing my thing, writing about the humor and love I have for JT and Bri, when Dutch, Aginoth and Juggling Mother honored me by nominating me for Best Daddy Blog at the BoBs (The Best of Blogs).

Now, I was very honored that these people felt compelled to nominate me. But, boy, did it stoke some competitive fires in me! Well, to make a long story short, I did not make it as a finalist. I was going to write some “teachable moment” post to JT and Bri about handling disappointment but that would be a bunch of crap. So, no post.

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But then I did get to thinking that some great bloggers who happen to be on my blogroll, who I happen to correspond with fairly regularly, did make it as a finalist. So, I thought, maybe I should put aside the disappointment and cheer on my fellow teammates.

So, I’m going to start campaigning for my fellow bloggers. I hope you’ll vote for the following wonderful bloggers.

New Blog of the Year

Can there really be any other choice than Sweet Juniper? This husband/wife team is so creative and fun to read that one wouldn’t know that this is a “new” blog. Besides, Juniper is so frickin’ cute it’s scary.

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Best Daddy Blog
Now, three blogs that are on my blogroll are finalists. Dadcentric, Shotgun Daddy, and Cynical Dad. Out of the three, Chag at Cynical Dad is the only one who consistently tells me how cute my kids are. So, if I couldn’t make it then I want Chag to win. He claims he just wants enough votes to not be last. I think we can do better.

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Best Mommy Blog

This was a tough one for me. Both finalists that are on my current blogroll are dear to me in different ways. Morphing Into Mama actually sent me and my wife a Christmas gift this year. How cool is that? Plus, she didn’t win for high school class president so I figure she’s due. Friday Playdate, on the other hand, has always been a great commenter on my site. So, it’s a toss-up and I’m going to vote for them both.

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So, that’s my trumping for the candidates. Go and visit the other blogs who were finalists as I’m sure they’re all deserving. Remember, vote early and vote often.

(Feel free to use the graphics above for campaigning purposes)

January 11, 2006

The comment lines are now open

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I have a confession to make. I like comments.

Okay, okay. You’re right. I’m not being totally honest here. I love comments. Love ‘em. It’s like Christmas morning every time I see that someone left me a comment.

This is as good a time as any to bring this up since Cheryl has declared this “De-Lurking Week“. Now over the past several months I have noticed that more and more people are visiting my little corner of cyberspace. I am flattered that you find what I write here interesting enough to stop by once in a while. It probably doesn’t hurt that the kids are really cute.

I am soooo curious. Why do you keep visiting? Where are you visiting from? What’s your favorite cartoon character? What’s your most embarrassing moment? Tell me anything!

So, please, do a guy a favor and leave me a comment. I really don’t have anything to give you (Andrea is certain to nix the “give a baby away” promotion) but this parting gift. Leave a comment and you can advertise on your blog (if you happen to have one) that you celebrated de-lurking week here at Childsplayx2.com.

The comment line is now open! Let me hear from you!

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January 10, 2006

I miss you like a banana

JT and Bri,

I almost missed bananas today.

You see, we’re slowly introducing new solids to you every few days. You’re not too far into this “eating solids” thing so each new experience is fun to watch. So far you’ve tried rice cereal, oatmeal and squash. Tonight, it was bananas.

I love watching the first bite. That first bite of each new food triggers facial expressions that seem to show how your brain is processing each new flavor and texture. You will then look up at me or your mother and we make eye contact. We nod and smile, encouraging you to accept this new food as something good. As your little lips smack and inevitably food oozes out of your tiny mouth you decide that you like it. You may smile or open your mouth instinctively for more. You two are little adventurers and each new food is an adventure to savor.

And tonight it was bananas. My work was a little hectic today and I left 15 minutes later than I know I have to if I’m going to make it in time to feed you. My commute is 35 minutes if traffic is good, 40 minutes if traffic is normal, and 45 to 50 minutes if traffic is bad. I hoped for good traffic today. I didn’t get it. Soon enough, I got a call from your mommy. “It’s time to feed them. How far away are you?” She asked. I looked where I was on the freeway, surrounded by cars. “About 15 minutes.” I replied. “Do you want me to feed them squash instead?” Your mommy asked, as I was unable to hide my disappointment at missing your feeding. I wanted to say “Yes.” I wanted to wait until tomorrow to see that first bite of banana. But then I realized there’s no guarantee I would make it home tomorrow night in time, either. “No…” I sighed, “go ahead and feed them bananas. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

I hung up the phone. I had turned down the radio to talk to your mother and it was silent around me. I sighed again and thought about missing this first. Tonight, I was missing bananas. What would I be missing in the future? School plays? Sports performances? Music recitals? Bedtime baths? Goodnight stories?

I took a deep breath and I imagined these scenarios in my head. I was disappointed but when I thought about how you might be disappointed by me not being there, I felt crushed. I never want to let you down. I never want to let my job interfere with my primary responsibility of being your parent. Yes, my job is important, but being your father is the most important thing I will do in this lifetime. I can reschedule meetings but I can’t reschedule all of these firsts. I’m just going to have to find a way to do a good job at work and do a great job at home. In this new year, that is my resolution.

As my thoughts continued, traffic thinned and my pace picked up. Lights turned green for me as I made my way off the freeway and onto the surface streets to home. Soon enough I pulled into the garage and bounded out of the car and into the house. You were there, strapped into your chairs, while Mommy fed you bananas. I rushed over, picked up a spoon and fed JT a gob of banana. It was not your first taste of banana, JT, but it was one of your first bites. I could tell you liked it. I smiled at you to reassure you that you were eating yummy stuff. You looked up at me and laughed.

I laughed too.

I almost missed bananas. I’m so glad I didn’t.


January 9, 2006

Daycare Update - Day I, Part Deux

Not bad. In fact I would go so far as to say pretty good. Maybe even better than pretty good. Impressive? Maybe. You be the judge.

Apparently Bri felt warm to the new daycare lady (she’s getting over okay, has a cold) so she called me on my cell phone to ask if she could give her Children’s Tylenol. The only problem? I hadn’t yet programmed her phone into my cell and, since I’m not exactly used to getting calls from my daycare provider, I ignored her call (hey, I was in the middle of a very important meeting with 28 eight-year-olds). Oops.

She’s programmed now. It won’t happen again.

(Bri’s good too.)

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