February 3, 2006

Random Thoughts

Driving 101:

If you are in Stop-and-Go traffic on a very busy highway, please be aware that the “STOP” in “Stop-and-Go” is VERY important.

Also, if you are carrying a ladder on your truck, it’s probably a good idea to make sure the ladder is, oh, I don’t know… secured in some way? In fact, I’m pretty sure they make things that do just that. If that’s too much trouble, then an old tube sock or even a shoelace might be better than just hoping the damn thing doesn’t come flying off causing all of us not-yet-fully-caffeinated drivers behind you to swerve all over the damn road.

The coffee bean’s a vegetable, right?

If your spouse has you on a strict budget and in that budget there isn’t quite the amount of money set aside for a daily tasty Starbucks beverage, can I count it as a grocery item if I purchase my coffee at the little stand in the grocery store? I mean, it’s right next to the produce section.

Blog Superstar

I have a cousin who is pretty darn good at this blogging thing. She also happens to be pretty good friends with the Mother of all bloggers, dooce. So, it’s really weird to take my daily visit to dooce and see my beautiful cousin smilin’ back. (By the way, Maggie is one of my top-five favorite people of all time - way ahead of Rachel Ray)

Bloggers Are So Frickin’ Generous

I have had three people donate to my YMCA that I met through the blogging community in the past day. I am amazed and humbled. Thank you. (and, you know, it’s not too late for you too…) :)

September 14, 2005

Just Thinking…

If you’ve forgotten what your running shoes look like since the last time you’ve gone running, it’s been too long.

(I’m going to be sore tomorrow.)

June 13, 2004

Dieting Drunk

I was listening to the radio the other day and a commercial for a brand of vodka touted itself as low-carb. I think we’re taking this Atkins thing just a little too far.