December 2, 2004

It beats going to the mall

I pulled into the gas station in one of the poorest parts of San Diego. As I got out of my car, a large black man with his trunk open was holding five or so DVD cases fanned out in his large hands like playing cards. “You want some DVD’s” he asks me. I make eye contact, mumble “no thanks” and he nods and continues to shop his wares.

I seemed to be the only one not interested in buying his bootleg DVDs.

As I filled up my tank, a line formed at this car. An older white lady bought at least four and the others were just as eager. The capitalist spirit is alive and well in Southeastern San Diego.

As I finished up filling my tank, the line was starting to dissipate as the transactions were fast and furious. Another man approached him. I looked over to see his car was parked the same way, the trunk open, on the other side of the lot. He handed the guy a lit joint.

Two businessmen taking a break, smoking some pot, and talking about their day.

Andrea says I can’t go back there anymore.

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