November 21, 2005

Here’s to Football Fatherhood

I have a tendency to make up songs when I’m spending time with the babies. I often find myself changing lyrics to songs I’ve recently heard. Many times these songs are commercial jingles that are catchy and easy to manipulate for my own good.

Mondays are always fun because anyone who watches ESPN knows that SportsCenter has taken the old Coors Light ad about loving football (and twins) and they change the lyrics each week to match what went on on Sunday. I often find myself singing to the twins a version of this song.

Here’s a sample of my lyrical manipulation (and be thankful you don’t have to hear me sing!).

I love babies having fun
‘Specially when there’s more than one
Wiping drool off chins
Of the Twins

I love babies eatin’ dirt
Messin’ up my shirt
No denyin’ that my kin
Is the Twins

And I love you two!
And I love you two!

I love baths before dinner time
Reciting nursery rhymes
Rubbin’ lotion on the skin
Of the Twins

I don’t love waking up at 4 a.m.
JT, this is gettin’ grim
But that’s the life when…
You have Twins

But I love you two!
Yes, I love you two!

I love Bri smiling in the morn’
I can’t believe that you were born
It’s not a contest - but I win
With you Twins.

I love baby sloppy kisses
Hangin’ with the Mrs.
Feelin’ pride from within
‘Cause you’re my Twins

And I love you two!
Yes, I love you two!

Here’s to Fatherhood!

November 4, 2005

You want frustration? I’ll give you @#(*&^$ frustration!

MIM, wanted to hear about some frustrations of being a Stay At Home Dad. It seems I’m getting too warm and fuzzy for her taste. Well, truth be known, I’m a pretty laid back kinda guy. I generally roll with the punches and I didn’t come into this week with a lot of preconceptions about how 100% wonderful the experience would be. Also, Andrea did an awesome job getting the twins on a schedule and I would be a total bufoon (is bufoon spelled with one “f” or two?) to mess with the schedule.

Not to say there haven’t been any frustrations. So, to honor my fellow psychology parent (she puts the psycho in psychology), here are a few moments of frustration…

Where’s &*^$#)* Juan Valdez when you need him?!
I am sooooo craving a Starbucks mocha right now. I have left the neighborhood once in the past seven days and I’m really missing my coffee. In fact, I can’t be the only person in this boat. Starbucks is on every damn street corner in the civilized world but is just a bit too far from where I live to risk a walk. What the F***? They have drive throughs and shops in grocery stores. Don’t these guys frickin’ deliver? No. They. Don’t.

It’s nice that you’re regular guys, but can’t you poop at night?

Andrea hasn’t had to change one damn poopy diaper. In the meantime I’m given an exhibition in “how many colors can poop actually be?” Yesterday, JT went twice. I swear he was laughing at me when I had to change him the second time.

What am I, Dr. Huckstable?
The babies will be five months old next week. Andrea was with them all that time. Did they ever have a cold when she had them? Nooooooooooo. Guess what? Bri has a cold. She’s not diggin’ the “can’t breathe through my nose” thing. If she could speak, family blog or no family blog, she’d be cussin’ up a storm right now.

Did I mention I have TWO babies?
One’s about to fall asleep, the other squeals or shrieks (with a smile, of course). One needs a diaper change, the other is pissed that we’re not around. I start to get one baby set up to feed and the other can’t wait (I can hear Andrea now, “try that while breastfeeding.”). Anyway, there’s two of them and only one of me. Yeah, there’s some frustration sometimes - and the babies let me know about it.

So that’s a sample of the frustrations that have befallen me the past week. And while the good have far outweighed the bad I have two things going for me that many with two children do not. 1) Neither of my kids are mobile. I lay them down on the floor, they’re gonna be there when I return (and I mean, they’ll be there for hours). 2) I know I’ll be at work in 4+ weeks and they’ll be someone else’s problem.

Lucky them.

*I normally swear in real life. But family reads this so language has to be PG-13 at the most. Use your imagination.

October 22, 2005

Sorry, My Bad

Once again, the sound of a baby crying blares out over the baby monitor in the early morning hours. In a now regular routine, I move quickly to the babies room to quiet Jonathan before he wakes up Brianna. I open the door and quietly and swiftly move to Jonathan’s crib where I pick him up in one quick scoop. I bring him to my chest to comfort and soothe his crying. But the crying continues.

It is only then that I realize the crying is not coming from Jonathan but rather from the crib across the room. Oops. I put the now awake Jonathan back into his crib and go and comfort Brianna who only needs a quick hug and her binky before it’s back to dreamland.

Jonathan on the other hand…

October 14, 2005

The Traveling Circus

Last weekend we took the show on the road, so to speak. My family was holding a little reunion and we decided it was high time these babies traveled farther than the doctor’s office so we loaded up the truck and we moved to Beverly headed to the airport.

Actually, we loaded up our neighbor’s truck. You see, we were kinda caught off guard with the whole “having two babies at once” thing, so we don’t own a vehicle large enough to hold more cargo than the space shuttle. In fact, during our regularly scheduled strategic planning sessions for this particular trip (yes, my wife grew up in a military family) we thought it would be wise to rent an SUV upon arrival in this far away land. How else would we be able to schlep around our Double Stroller, Pack-n-Play, suitcase for us, suitcase for babies, diaper bag, breast pump, and whatever else we could find around the house that we “might need”?

In fact, I went around for a couple of days thinking I was pretty damn smart for having the foresight to rent the SUV. It was only about a week before we left that it dawned on me that while, yes we were getting an SUV once we arrived in this Far Away Land, we did not own an SUV here. Damn. So now we had to figure out how we would be getting all this crap much needed baby stuff to the airport. At first we were going to take two cars (and pay for both to be parked in the long term parking) until I mentioned to our neighbor just how idiotic I was and he so kindly offered the services of his truck. Problem solved.

So, the cargo was taken care of. Now we had to prepare for the actual getting on the plane and flying part. Did you know that if you have two babies and you plan to sit them on your laps for the plane ride and the plane has three seats on each side, you cannot sit together because whoever designs airplanes obviously doesn’t have twins? This person who designs airplanes and does not have twins only thought to add one extra oxygen maskto each row. So, if we sat in two seats and some poor unsuspecting fool sat next to us, there would only be four oxygen masks for five people. Now, some could make the argument that if you’re stupid enough to sit in the same aisle as two neurotic parents and their almost-four-month-old babies, you don’t deserve an oxygen mask in the first place. However, the good people at Southwest did not buy that argument so we did the next best thing - we bought three seats.

Once we made it to the airport we checked everything in but the stroller, infant seats the babies were strapped into, the diaper bag, one carry-on bag, and Andrea’s breastpump. We arrived at the security checkpoint and they informed us that we would have to put everything through the x-ray machine. So we spent the next few minutes extracting babies from seats, collapsing the double stroller, removing shoes, and putting everything we had into those depressing little gray plastic bins. Luckily for us half of the TSA agents on duty converged on us to assist. They looked like a mini Nascar pit crew with the way they moved. Once through the checkpoint and everything was reloaded and we checked to make sure we hadn’t left anything behind, we proceeded to our gate. After arriving at our gate and hearing an announcement over the loudspeaker, Andrea rushed back to the screening area to retrieve her sweater that had been left behind. This was not a good sign for things to come.

While Andrea was rushing to retrieve her sweater, I began getting everything ready. People looked on in amusement as I pulled one baby out of the infant seat and placed him/her (who can remember?) into a Snugli strapped to my chest. After a few minutes of struggling a nice woman came to my rescue and began helping me break things down. Soon enough Andrea returned and with the help of the Southwest flight attendant we boarded the plane. We had planned on checking both infant carriers at the gate but we were a bit rushed and I let the flight attendant talk me into taking one of the carriers on the plane since we had three seats. This turned out to be a mistake since this effectively took away our extra space. Somehow we made it through and Bri only cried briefly as the plane took off. The Binkies once again came to our rescue as the sucking helped relieve the pressure in their ears. Once in flight they both fell asleep in our arms.

After landing we waited until everyone deboarded the plane before attempting to get all of our stuff. The stroller was waiting for us outside the plane door and we proceeded to load babies into this along with all of our carry-on stuff. A flight attendant helped us off the plane and once we were loaded up, I asked “Did we get everything?” The flight attendant replied, “Yes, I got it all.” So, we proceeded to the baggage claim. A few hours and a few phone calls later I had to make a trip back to the airport to pick up the breast pump we had left on the plane. Apparently we did not get everything.

So, the time we spent in far away land was short and sweet. We left on a Friday and returned on a Sunday. It was great seeing family and the twin’s cousin. Many photos were taken by all.

It was also great to expose the little ones to more excitement than what shirt Daddy is wearing today. JT, in particular, loved all the sights and sounds of the airport and you could just see the guy soaking up everything around him. The fact that he didn’t take any real naps the entire weekend and slept for hours when we returned showed just how interested he was in everything.

The return home was pretty tame except to say that we missed the TSA agents from our home airport. The TSA agents from the Far Away Land airport just watched us as we struggled to get all the gear broken down while simultaneously holding two babies. May all these people spend an eternity in airport security hell.

So, we survived. But if family wants to see these babies over the holidays, they’re gonna have to come to us!

October 11, 2005


In just two and a half weeks, I will be taking a five week leave from work to stay at home with the twins while Andrea returns to work. Coincidentally, this also happens to be the time that the parenting books recommend weaning babies from their pacifiers. Andrea had been mentioning this lately and while I publicly agreed that we needed to rid these babies of their dependence on baby crack pacifiers, I secretly dreaded it.

Just the thought of having to put the babies to sleep without their crack binkies brought chills to my spine.

So then, imagine my surprise when I opened up Monday’s paper to read that pediatricians now say that babies should continue to use baby crack binkies to sleep through the first year to reduce the risk of SIDS. I couldn’t put my coffee down fast enough. I rushed upstairs to point this out to Andrea.

I mean, I wouldn’t want to put the babies at risk by denying them their crack binkies. Their well-being is at stake!

October 8, 2005


The family was on a trip for the first time this weekend. We stayed the first night at a hotel by ourselves. The second night, my mother was to join us.

Our conversation the first night…

Me: Hey, maybe we can get my mom to babysit tomorrow night.

Wife: Ooh yeah, that would be nice.

Me: Yeah, maybe we can get a drink at the bar downstairs.

Wife: Oh. I was thinking we could take a nap.

October 2, 2005

Let me just straighten up a little

My mother-in-law (Hi Sue!), after visiting us and helping us take care of the twins a few weeks after they were born, after seeing the utter chaos that is raising two babies, after witnessing the filfth of our bathrooms after they hadn’t been cleaned in three weeks (Hmmmm, let me see. Should we sleep or clean the bathroom?) decided to give us the best gift anyone could possibly give - a year’s worth of maid service.

Oh man. It is so great knowing we don’t have to clean the house all of the time now. I mean, now we only clean right before the maids come. Because, you know, we don’t want them to thnk we’re slobs or anything.

September 27, 2005

Best Feeling Ever

Every morning I tiptoe into the babies room around 6:30 a.m. to see who might be awake first to give them their morning feeding. Lately JT has been awake and Brianna (who is more and more like her mother every day) continues to sleep away.

I pull JT out and go about changing and feeding him. These moments of one-on-one time are few and far between and I enjoy them immensely. We’ll talk and coo and laugh and gaze at each other while JT eats. Since he’s been sleeping longer periods he’s no longer grumpy in the morning. Instead he’s full of energy and smiles. Once he’s done I still have another baby to feed so I put him back in his crib and let him sleep a bit longer.

I then go over to Bri’s crib. Sometimes she is stirring at this point but many times she’s not. To gently wake her I put my hand on her tiny chest and whisper, “Briaaaannnna, your Daddy is here. Good morning little girl. It’s time to wake up.” She hears the sound of my voice and while she refuses to open her eyes, she breaks out into a great big smile (Okay, so maybe she’s not so much like her mother after all). This smile melts my heart.

I scoop her up and take her into the next room to change her. While I’m changing her diaper she has still yet to open her eyes. I continue to speak to her. “Good morning, Sweetie! Are you ready for breakfast my little one?” About this time she opens her eyes. She blinks a few times and then focuses on my face. Our eyes lock and we gaze in each other eyes - me with a small bemused smile that makes my eyes twinkle and her with a sense of wonder. I smile wider and her wonder grows to something that can’t be described any other way than a pure expression of love. It is then that she breaks out into the largest, brightest smile a Daddy could ever hope for. The room absolutely glows from the radiance of this special smile that’s just for me. We spend a moment smiling and talking but it’s breakfast time so I gather her up to get ready to feed her.

She laughs as I scoop her up and I rain kisses on her chubby cheeks. She rests her head on my shoulder as I take her into our loft area where breakfast occurs. On our way out she often finds one of my fingers and wraps her tiny fingers around mine. I settle her into my lap and give her the bottle. No one else is up at this time and the early morning silence of the room combined with the loving gaze we give each other while she eats makes me feel closer to her than at any other time.

It’s just Bri and her Daddy and no one else.

What more could a guy ask for?

September 14, 2005

Now, if only I could sleep through the night

I didn’t want to jinx it. So I didn’t say anything. But, after three nights in a row, I think it’s safe to say that…

Jonathan is sleeping through the night!!!!

Three months old and both twins are sleeping all night long. This Daddy has slept, in the past three nights, 7 hours, 7 hours and 8 hours. I am one rested dude! Now, not wanting to get greedy or anything, but the babies are still asleep at 6:15 a.m. I’ve been up for an hour anticipating them being awake. I have woken a couple of times the last few nights at the slightest sound from the baby room only to find them perfectly fine and sleeping. I need to have a talk with my brain and let it know it’s okay to sleep until the babies actually wake up.

September 8, 2005

Good News, Bad News

The Good News is that Jonathan finally slept through the night! We made him a little upright sleeping spot in his crib (basically it looked like he was sleeping in a little mini-recliner) in hopes that would help his congestion that seems to hit him in the middle of the night. It worked! We didn’t hear from him until 6:00 a.m. this morning.

So, did I get a full night of uninterrupted sleep?

Uh, no. That’s where the Bad News comes in.

The Bad News is that Brianna, for the first time in weeks, woke up crying with the fullest, wettest diaper I have ever seen. Amazingly, her nightgown and her bedding were completely dry. (Let’s hear it for Huggies!) Nevertheless, Daddy was up at 4:00 a.m. changing Bri’s diaper while chuckling at the irony of Bri thwarting my chances of sleeping through the night.

I made it a quick change, however, and was back in bed within five minutes. I must have drifted off to sleep rather quickly because the next thing I know, I’m being awakened by something nipping at my hand. That “something” was Nutmeg the cat who must have been confused at the sudden change of schedule (she usually gets up with me when I deal with JT’s early rising). I glance at the clock. It’s 5:15 a.m. I bury myself under the covers, forcing Nutmeg to find someone else to bug. I drift off to sleep once again.

30 minutes later the babies start to cry. It’s feeding time.

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