July 27, 2008

Dedicated Duo – The Virgo and the Leo

Andrea, my beautiful wife, subscribes to Baby Center’s updates. This week she came across an astrological page that told us of our parenting style as a duo. Even if you knew us better than anyone, you couldn’t have written a more accurate description. Here’s what it says…

It would be difficult to find a pair of parents more dedicated to family than you two. You both have high ideals when it comes to childrearing, and you expect a great deal from yourselves as well as your children. You have your differences, but they are complementary rather than conflicting. The Leo mom or dad (that’s me!) thrives on activity, energy, and creative projects. Your personal warmth and dramatic personality inspire your children, and they will always feel secure in your love. You want them to feel good about expressing themselves, like you do.

The Virgo parent (that’s Andrea!) sets high standards for the children. You want them to develop the same work ethic and practical self-discipline that you have mastered. Children do respond to high expectations, but don’t make them
out of reach. Reasonable goals will help your kids build self-confidence as well as competence.

When Andrea first read this to me I couldn’t help but feel a little proud.  We DO compliment each other in our parenting skills.  And I have to give Andrea credit because she lets me be me when it comes to parenting Swee’Pea and TheMonk.  We jump on pillows while Andrea cringes.  We sing.  We dance.  We laugh really hard.  And Andrea joins us – even if it isn’t as comfortable for her as it is for me.

And I am really glad that Andrea brings that work ethic and practical self-discipline that our children need that often isn’t foremost on my mind.  She is provides the balance to me.

And I’ll be damned if we aren’t raising great kids.  They give us challenges, of course, but they also are really great kids.  They are good in public.  They say “please” and “thank you”.  They listen (most of the time) when we talk to them and they give good hugs, good kisses, and laugh like no one is watching.

And to think it was all in the stars.


  1. A match made in heaven or was it the internet?

    Comment by Grandmother — July 27, 2008 @ 11:38 pm

  2. Thanks for that link. I found it incredibly fascinating.

    Comment by SciFi Dad — July 28, 2008 @ 5:05 am

  3. I’m a bit scared to see what mine and Nick’s would look like.

    Comment by Issa — July 28, 2008 @ 7:09 am

  4. they may have hit the nail on the head for you two, but i tried it for us and , woah, waaay off. they cited me as the house/safety officer. tim takes the cake on that one….i let a lot slide. but it was interesting to read yours. and you are really good p’s.

    p.s. happy belated bday! :)

    Comment by mamie — July 28, 2008 @ 7:42 pm

  5. Wow! I’m a Virgo, my husband’s a Leo and we have fraternal boy twins!


    And, it describes us perfectly as well.

    Comment by kelsi — July 30, 2008 @ 4:00 pm

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